An example of anthropomorphic metaphor in popular science writing:
"Anyone who receives a pig heart will inevitably be receiving immunosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection of the foreign organ. Reactivation of endogenous retroviruses is more likely when individuals are immunosuppressed. Human systems have evolved in part to control the endogenous retroviruses that have been in our genome since we evolved [sic]. But they may not be as efficient at controlling the ones hiding in the pig genome. This theoretically could mean that the endogenous retroviruses could escape from the pig heart and attack and enter other cells in the human recipient, From there, they might even escape into the wider population."
Nessa Carey (2015) Junk DNA. A journey through the dark matter of the genome. London: Icon Books Ltd.
Strictly terms like hiding, attacking, escaping are metaphoric and usually refer to deliberate actions.
Read examples of anthropomorphism in science