Annihilating mass in communicating science
Keith S. Taber

The BBC radio programme 'In Our Time' today tackled the electron. As part of the exploration there was the introduction of the positron, and the notion of matter-antimatter annihilation. These are quite brave topics to introduce in a programme with a diverse general audience (last week Melvyn Bragg and his guests discussed Plato's Atlantis and next week the programme theme is the Knights Templar).
Prof. Victoria Martin of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh explained:
If we take a pair of matter and antimatter, so, since we are talking about the electron today, if we take an electron and the positron, and you put them together, they would annihilate.
And they would annihilate not into nothingness, because they both had mass, so they both had energy from E=mc2 that tells us if you have mass you have energy. So, they would annihilate into energy, but it would not just be any kind of energy: the particular kind of energy you get when you annihilate an electron and a positron is a photon, a particle of light. And it will have a very specific amount of energy. Its energy will be equal to the sum of the energy of electron and the positron that they had initially when they collided together.
Prof. Victoria Martin on 'In Our Time'

Now, I am sure that is somewhat different from how Prof. Martin would treat this topic with university physics students – of course, science in the media has to be pitched at the largely non-specialist audience.
Read about science in the media
It struck me that this presentation had the potential to reinforce a common alternative conception ('misconception') that mass is converted into energy in certain processes. Although I am aware now that this is an alternative conception, I seem to recall that is pretty much what I had once understood from things I had read and heard.
It was only when I came to prepare to teach the topic that I realised that I had a misunderstanding. That, I think, is quite common for teachers – when we have to prepare a topic well enough to explain it to others, we may spot flaws in our own understanding (Taber, 2009)
So, for example, I had thought that in nuclear processes, such as in a fission reactor or fusion in stars, the mass defect (the apparent loss of mass as the resulting nuclear fragments have less mass than those present before the process) was due to that amount of mass being converted to energy. This is sometimes said to explain why nuclear explosions are so much more violent than chemical explosions, as (given E=mc2): a tiny amount of mass can be changed into a great deal of energy.
Prof. Martin's explanation seemed to support this way of thinking: "they would annihilate into energy".

What is conserved?
It is sometimes suggested that, classically, mass and energy were considered to be separately conserved in processes, but since Einstein's theories of relativity have been adopted, now it is considered that mass can be considered as if a form of energy such that what is conserved is a kind of hybrid conglomerate. That is, energy is still considered conserved, but only when we account for mass that may have been inter-converted with energy. (Please note, this is not quite right – see below.)
So, according to this (mis)conception: in the case of an electron-positron annihilation, the mass of the two particles is converted to an equivalent energy – the mass of the electron and the mass of the positron disappear from the universe and an equivalent quantity of energy is created. Although energy is created, energy is still conserved if we allow for the mass that was converted into this new energy. Each time an electron and positron annihilate, their masses of about 2 ✕ 10-30 kg disappear from the universe and in its place something like 2 ✕ 10-13 J appears instead – but that's okay as we can consider 2 ✕ 10-30 kg as a potential form of energy worth 2 ✕ 10-13 J.
However, this is contrary to what Einstein (1917/2004) actually suggested.

Equivalence, not interconversion
What Einstein actually suggested was not that mass could be considered as if another kind/form of energy (alongside kinetic energy and gravitational potential, etc.) that needed to be taken into account in considering energy conservation, but rather that inertial mass can be considered as an (independent) measure of energy.
That is, we think energy is always conserved. And we think that mass is always conserved. And in a sense they are two measures of the same thing. We might see these two statements as having redundancy:
- In a isolated system we will always have the same total quantity of energy before and after any process.
- In a isolated system we will always have the same total quantity of mass before and after any process.
As mass is always associated with energy, and so vice versa, either of these statements implies the other. 1

No interconversion?
So, mass cannot be changed into energy, nor vice versa. The sense in which we can 'interconvert' is that we can always calculate the energy equivalence of a certain mass (E=mc2) or mass equivalence of some quantity of energy (m=E/c2).
So, the 'interconversion' is more like a change of units than a change of entity.

If we think of a simple pendulum under ideal conditions 2 it could oscillate for ever, with the total energy unchanged, but with the kinetic energy being converted to potential energy – which is then converted back to kinetic energy – and so on, ad infinitum. The total energy would be fixed although the amount of kinetic energy and the amount of potential energy would be constantly changing. We could calculate the energy in joules or some other unit such as eV or ergs (or calories or kWh or…). We could convert from one unit to another, but this would not change anything about the physical system. (So, this is less like converting pounds to dollars, and more like converting an amount reported in pounds {e.g., £24.83} into an amount reported in pence {e.g., 2483p}.)
Using this analogy, the electron and positron being converted to a photon is somewhat like kinetic energy changing to potential energy in a swinging pendulum (something changes), but it is not the case that mass is changed into energy. Rather we can do our calculations in terms of energy or mass and will get (effectively, given E=mc2) the same answer (just as we can add up a shopping list in pounds or pence, and get the same outcome given the conversion factor, 1.00£ = 100p).
So, where does the mass go?
If mass is conserved, then where does the mass defect – the amount by which the sum of masses of daughter particles is less than the mass of the parent particle(s) – in nuclear processes go? And, more pertinent to the present example, what happens to the mass of the electron and positron when they mutually annihilate?
To understand this, it might help to bear in mind that in principle these process are like any other natural processes – such as the swinging pendulum, or a weight being lifted with pulley, or methane being combusted in a Bunsen burner, or heating water in a kettle, or photosynthesis, or a braking cycle coming to a halt with the aid of friction.
In any natural process (we currently believe)
- the total mass of the universe is unchanged…
- but mass may be reconfigured
- the total energy of the universe is unchanged…
- but energy may be reconfigured; and
- as mass and energy are associated, any reconfigurations of mass and energy are directly correlated.
So, in any change that involves energy transfers, there is an associated mass transfer (albeit usually one too small to notice or easily measure). We can, for example, calculate the (tiny) increase in mass due to water being heated in a kettle – and know just as the energy involved in heating the water came from somewhere else, there is an equivalent (tiny) decrease of mass somewhere else in the wider system (perhaps due to falling of water powering a hydroelectric power station). If we are boiling water to make a cup of tea, we may well be talking about a change in mass of the order of only 0.000 000 001 g according to my calculations for another posting.
The annihilation of the electron and positron is no different: there may be reconfigurations in the arrangement of mass and energy in the universe, but mass (and so energy) is conserved.
So, the question is, if the electron and positron, both massive particles (in the physics sense, that they have some mass) are annihilated, then where does their mass go if it is conserved? The answer is reflected in Prof. Martin's statement that "the particular kind of energy you get when you annihilate an electron and a positron is a photon, a particle of light". The mass is carried away by the photon.
The mass of a massless particle?
This may seem odd to those who have learnt that, unlike the electron and positron, the photon is massless. Strictly the photon has no rest mass, whereas the electron and positron do have rest mass – that is, they have inertial mass even when judged by an observer at rest in relation to them.
So, the photon only has 'no mass' when it is observed to be stationary – which nicely brings us back to Einstein who noted that electromagnetic radiation such as light could never appear to be at rest compared to the observer, as its very nature as a progressive electromagnetic wave would cease if one could travel alongside it at the same velocity. This led Einstein to conclude that the speed of light in any given medium was invariant (always the same for any observer), leading to his theory of special relativity.
So, a photon (despite having no 'rest' mass) not only carries energy, but also the associated mass.
Although we might think in terms of two particles being converted to a certain amount of energy as Prof. Martin suggests, this is slightly distorted thinking: the particles are converted to a different particle which now 'has' the mass from both, and so will also 'have' the energy associated with that amount of mass.

A slight complication is that the electron and position are in relative motion when they annihilate, so there is some kinetic energy involved as well as the energy associated with their rest masses. But this does not change the logic of the general scheme. Just as there is an energy associated with the particles' rest masses, there is a mass component associated with their kinetic energy.
The total mass-energy equivalence before the annihilation has to include both the particle rest masses and their kinetic energy. The mass-energy equivalence afterwards (being conserved in any process) also reflects this. The energy of the photon (and the frequency of the radiation) reflects both the particle masses and their kinetic energies at the moment of the annihilation. The mass (being perfectly correlated with energy) carried away by the photon also reflects both the particle masses and their kinetic energies.
How could 'In Our Time' have improved the presentation?
It is easy to be critical of people doing their best to simplify complex topics. Any teacher knows that well-planned explanations can fail to get across key ideas as one is always reliant on what the audience already understands and thinks. Learners interpret what they hear and read in terms of their current 'interpretive resources' and habits of thinking.
A physicist or physics student hearing the episode would likely interpret Prof. Martin's statement within a canonical conceptual framework. However, someone holding the 'misconception' that mass is converted to energy in nuclear processes would likely interpret "they would annihilate into energy" as fitting, and reinforcing, that alternative conception.
I think a key issue here is a slippage that apparently refers to energy being formed in the annihilation, rather than radiation: (i.e., Prof. Martin could have said "they would annihilate into [radiation]"). When the positron and electron 'become' a photon, matter is changed to radiation – but it is not changed to energy, as matter has mass, and (as mass and energy have an equivalence) the energy is already there in the system.

So, this whole essay is simply suggesting that a change of one word – from energy to radiation – could potentially avoid the formation of, or the reinforcing of, the alternative conception that mass is changed into energy in processes studied in particle physics. As experienced science teachers will know, sometimes such small shifts can make a good deal of difference to how we are interpreted and, so, what comes to be understood.
Reply from Prof. Victoria Martin on twitter (@MamaPhysikerin), September 30:
"E2 = p2c2 + m2c4 is a better way to relate energy, mass and momentum. Works for both massive and massless states."
Work cited:
- Einstein, A. (1917/2004). Relativity. The special and the general theory. (R. W. Lawson, Trans.). The Folio Society.
- Taber, K. S. (2009). Learning from experience and teaching by example: reflecting upon personal learning experience to inform teaching practice. Journal of Cambridge Studies, 4(1), 82-91.
1 In what is often called a closed system there is no mass entering or leaving the system. However, energy can transfer to, or from, the system from its surroundings. Classically it might be assumed that the mass of a closed system is constant as the amount of matter is fixed, but Einstein realised that if there is a net energy influx to, or outflow from, the system, than some mass would also be transferred – even though no matter enters or leaves.
2 Perhaps in a uniform gravitational field, not subject to to any frictional forces, with an inextensible string supporting the bob, and in thermal equilibrium with its environment.