COVID is like photosynthesis because…

An analogy based on a science concept

Keith S. Taber

Photosynthesis illuminating a plant?
(Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay)

Analogies, metaphors and similes are used in communication to help make the unfamiliar familiar by suggesting that some novel idea or phenomena being introduced is in some ways like something the reader/listener is already familiar with. Analogies, metaphors and similes are commonly used in science teaching, and also in science writing and journalism.

An analogy maps out similarities in structure between two phenomena or concepts. This example, from a radio programme, compared the COVID pandemic with photosynthesis.

Read about science analogies

Photosynthesis and the pandemic

Professor Will Davies of Goldsmiths, University of London suggested that:

"So, what we were particularly aiming to do, was to understand the collision between a range of different political economic factors of a pre-2020 world, and how they were sort of reassembled and deployed to cope with something which was without question unprecedented.

We used this metaphor of photosynthesis because if you think about photosynthesis in relation to plants, the sun both lights things up but at the same time it feeds them and helps them to grow, and I think one of the things the pandemic has done for social scientists is to serve both as a kind of illumination of things that previously maybe critical political economists and heterodox scholars were pointing to but now became very visible to the mainstream media and to mainstream politics. But at the same time it also accentuated and deepened some of those tendencies such as our reliance on various digital platforms, certain gender dynamics of work in the household, these sort of things that became acute and undeniable and potentially politicised over the course of 20230, 2021."

Prof. Will Davies, talking on 'Thinking Allowed' 1

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Will Davies, Professor in Political Economy at Goldsmiths, University of London was talking to sociologist Prof. Laurie Taylor who presents the BBC programme 'Thinking Aloud' as part of an episode called 'Covid and change'

A scientific idea used as analogue

Prof. Davies refers to using "this metaphor of photosynthesis". However he goes on to suggest how the two things he is comparing are structurally similar – the pandemic has shone a light on social issues at the same time as providing the conditions for them to become more extreme, akin to how light both illuminates plants and changes them. A metaphor is an implicit comparison where the reader/listener is left to interpret the comparison, but a metaphor or simile that is explicitly developed to explain the comparison can become an analogy.

Read about science metaphors

Often science concepts are introduced by analogy to more familiar everyday ideas, objects or events. Here, however, a scientific concept, photosynthesis is used as the analogue – the source used to explain something novel. Prof. Davies assumes listeners will be familiar enough with this science concept for it to helpful in introducing his research.

Mischaracterising photosynthesis?

A science teacher might not like the notion that the sun feeds plants – indeed if a student suggested this in a science class it would likely be judged as an alternative conception. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide (from the atmosphere) and water (usually absorbed from the soil) provide the starting materials, and the glucose that is produced (along with oxygen) enables other processes – such as growth which relies on other substances also being absorbed from the soil. (So-called 'plant foods', which would be better characterised as plant nutritional supplements, contain sources of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Light is necessary for photosynthesis, but the sunlight is not best considered 'food'.

One might also argue that Prof. Davies has misidentified the source for his analogy, and perhaps he should rather have suggested sunlight as the source metaphor for his comparison as sunlight both illuminates plants and enables them to grow. Photosynthesis takes place inside chloroplasts within a plant's tissues, and does not illuminate the plant. However, Prof. Davies' expertise is in political economy, not natural science, and it was good to see a social scientist looking to use a scientific idea to explain his research.

Is mass conserved when water gets soaked up?

Setting up a thought experiment on plant growth and mass

Keith S. Taber

Image by truthseeker08 from Pixabay 

Sophia was a participant in the Understanding Science Project.

I was aware that research has suggested that children often do not appreciate how carbon obtained from the carbon dioxide in the air is a key source of matter for plants to build up tissue, so learners may assume that the mass increase during growth of a plant will be balanced by a mass reduction in the soil it is growing in.

"The extra [mass of a growing tree] comes from the things it eats and drinks from the ground. It's just like us eating and getting larger."

Response of 15 year old student in the National science survey carried out the Assessment of Performance Unit of the Department of Education and Science, as reported in Bell and Brook, 1984: 12.

During an interview in her first year of secondary education (Y7), Sophia reported that she had been studying plants in science, and that generally a plant was "a living thing, that takes up things from soil, to help it grow" (although some grew in ponds). Sophia was therefore asked a hypothetical question about weighing a pot of soil in which a seed was planted, with the intention of seeing if she thought that the gain in mas of the seed as it grew into a mature plant would be balanced by a loss of mass from the soil.

Sophia was asked about a pot of soil (mass 400g) in which was planted a seed (1g), and which was then watered (adding 49g of water).

The scenario outlined to Sophia

There seemed two likely outcomes of this thought experiment:

  • A learner considers that the mass of pot, seed and water is collectively 450g, and assumes that as the mass of plant grows, the mass of soil decreases accordingly to conserve total mass at 450g.
  • A learner is aware that in photosynthesis carbon is 'captured' from carbon dioxide in the air, so the mass of the plant in the soil will exceed 450g once the plant grows.

Of course, a learner might also invoke other considerations – the evaporation of the water, or the acquisition of water due to condensation of water from cold air (e.g., dew); that soil is not inert, but contains micro-organisms that have their own metabolism, etc.

I first wanted to check that Sophia appreciated we had (400 + 1 + 49 =) 450g of material at the point the seed was first watered. That was indeed her initial thought, but she soon 'corrected' herself.

Any idea how much it would weigh now?

[Four] hundred and fifty, no, cause, no cause it will soak it up, wouldn't it, so just over four hundred (400).

So we had four hundred (400) grammes of soil plus pot, didn't we?

Uh hm.

…And we had one (1) gramme of erm, of plant seed. Just one little seed, one (1) gramme. And forty nine (49) grammes of water. But the water gets soaked up into the soil, does it? So when it's soaked up, you reckon it would be, what?

Erm, four hundred and twenty (420).

Sophia's best guess at the mass of the pot with soil (initially 400g) after planting a 1g seed and adding 49g of water was 420g, as the water gets soaked up.

So, Sophia suggests that although 49g of water has been added to a pot (with existing contents) of mass 401g , the new total mass will be less than 450g, as the water is soaking into the soil. Her logic seems to be that some of the water will have soaked into the soil, so it's mass is not registered by the balance.

If you poured the water in, quite quickly, not so quickly that it splashes everywhere, but quite quickly. Before it had a chance to soak up, if you could read what it said on the balance before it had a chance to soak up, do you think it would say four hundred and twenty (420) grammes straight away?

No, it would probably be just under, erm, four hundred and fifty (450).

And it would gradually drop down to about four twenty (420) say, would it?


Might be four hundred and fifteen? (415) Could be four hundred and twenty five (425)?


Not entirely sure,


but something like that?


It appears Sophia recognises that in principle there would be a potential mass of 450g when the water is added, but as it soaks up, less mass is registered.

Sophia recognises that mass is initially conserved, at least before the water soaks into the soil.

In other words Sophia in the context of water soaking into soil is not conserving mass.

This is a similar thought experiment to when students are asked about the mass registered during dissolving, where some learners suggest that as a solid dissolves the total mass of the beaker/flask plus its contents decreases, as if the mass of the dissolved material is not registered (Taber, 2002). In that case it has been mooted that ideas about buoyancy may be involved – at least when it is clear that the learners recognise the dissolved material is still present in the solution.

However, that would not explain why Sophia thinks the balance would not register the mass of water soaked into the soil in this case. Rather, it sees more a notion that 'out of sight' is out of mass. Sophia's understanding of what is happening to mass here would be considered an alternative conception or misconception, and is likely based on her intuition about the scenario (acting as a grounded learning impediment) rather than something she has been told.

Sources cited:
  • Bell, B., & Brook, A. (1984). Aspects of Secondary Students' Understanding of Plant Nutrition. Leeds: : Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education, University of Leeds.
  • Taber, K. S. (2002). Chemical Misconceptions – Prevention, Diagnosis and Cure. London: Royal Society of Chemistry.

How plants get their food to grow and make energy

Respiration produces energy, but photosynthesis produces glucose which produces energy

Keith S. Taber

Image by Frauke Riether from Pixabay 

Mandy was a participant in the Understanding Science Project. When I spoke to her in Y10 (i.e. when she was c.14 year old) she told me that photosynthesis was one of the topics she was studying in science. So I asked her about photosynthesis:

So, photosynthesis. If I knew nothing at all about photosynthesis, how would you explain that to me?

It's how plants get their food to grow and – stuff, and make energy

So how do they make their energy, then?

Well, they make glucose, which has energy in it.

How does the energy get in the glucose?

Erm, I don't know.

It's just there is it?

Yeah, it's just stored energy

I was particularly interested to see if Mandy understood about the role of photosynthesis in plant nutrition and energy metabolism.

Why do you think it is called photosynthesis, because that's a kind of complicated name?

Isn't photo, something to do with light, and they use light to – get the energy.

So how do they do that then?

In the plant they've got chlorophyll which absorbs the light, hm, that sort of thing.

What does it do once it absorbs the light?


Does that mean it shines brightly?

No, I , erm – I don't know

Mandy explained that the chlorophyll was in the cells, especially in the plant's leaves. But I was not very clear on whether she had a good understanding of photosynthesis in terms of energy.

Do you make your food?

Not the way plants do.

So where does the energy come from in your food then?

It's stored energy.

How did it get in to the food? How was it stored there?


[c. 2s pause]

I don't know.

At this point it seemed Mandy was not connecting the energy 'in' food either directly or indirectly with photosynthesis.

Okay. What kind of thing do you like to eat?

Erm, pasta.

Do you think there is any energy value in pasta? Any energy stored in the pasta?

Has lots of carbohydrates, which is energy.

So do you think there is energy within the carbohydrate then?


Stored energy.


So how do you think that got there, who stored it?

(laughs) I don't know.

Again, the impression was that Mandy was not linking the energy value of food with photosynthesis. The reference to carbohydrates being energy seemed (given the wider context of the interview) to be imprecise use of language, rather than a genuine alternative conception.

So do you go to like the Co-op and buy a packet of pasta. Or mum does I expect?


Yeah. So do you think, sort of, the Co-op are sort of putting energy in the other end, before they send it down to the shop?

No, it comes from 'cause pasta's made from like flour, and that comes from wheat, and then that uses photosynthesis.

Now it seemed that it was quite clear to Mandy that photosynthesis was responsible for the energy stored in the pasta. It was not clear why she had not suggested this before, but it seemed she could make the connection between the food people eat and photosynthesis. Perhaps (it seems quite likely) she had previously been aware of this and it initially did not 'come to mind', and then at some point during this sequences of questions there was a 'bringing to mind' of the link. Alternatively, it may have been a new insight reached when challenged to respond to the interview questions.

So you don't need to photosynthesise to get energy?


No, how do you get your energy then?

We respire.

Is that different then?


So what's respire then, what do you do when you respire?

We use oxygen to, and glucose to release energy.

Do plants respire?


So when do you respire, when you are going to go for a run or something, is that when you respire, when you need the energy?

No, you are respiring all the time.

Mandy suggested that plants mainly respire at night because they are photosynthesising during the day. (Read 'Plants mainly respire at night'.)

So is there any relationship do you think between photosynthesis and respiration?

Erm respiration uses oxygen – and glucose and it produces er carbon dioxide and water, whereas photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water, and produces oxygen and glucose.

So it's quite a, quite a strong relationship then?


Yeah, and did you say that energy was involved in that somewhere?

Yeah, in respiration, they produce energy.

What about in photosynthesis, does that produce energy?

That produces glucose, which produces the energy.

I see, so there is no energy involved in the photosynthesis equation, but there is in the glucose?


Respiration does not 'produce' energy of course, but if it had the question about whether photosynthesis also produced energy might have been expected to elicit a response about photosynthesis 'using' energy or something similar, to give the kind of symmetry that would be consistent with conservation of energy (a process and its reverse can not both 'produce' energy). 'Produce' energy might have meant 'release' energy in which case it might be expected the reverse process should 'capture' or 'store' it.

Mandy appreciated the relationship between photosynthetic and respiration in terms of substances, but had an asymmetric notion of how energy was involved.

Mandy appeared to be having difficult appreciating the symmetrical arrangement between photosynthesis and respiration because she was not clear how energy was transformed in photosynthesis and respiration. Although she seemed to have the components of the scientific narrative, she did not seem to fully appreciate how the absorption of light was in effect 'capturing' energy that could be 'stored' in glucose till needed. At this stage in her learning she seemed to have grasped quite a lot of the relevant ideas, but not quite integrated them all coherently.