Another ethically questionable science education experiment?
Keith S. Taber

one group of students were deliberately disadvantaged by asking an experienced and skilled teacher to teach in a way all concerned knew was sub-optimal so as to provide a low base line that would be outperformed by the intervention, simply to replicate a much demonstrated finding
In a scientific experiment, an intervention is made into the natural state of affairs to see if it produces a hypothesised change. A key idea in experimental research is control of variables: in the ideal experiment only one thing is changed. In the control condition all relevant variables are fixed so that there is a fair test between the experimental treatment and the control.
Although there are many published experimental studies in education, such research can rarely claim to have fully controlled all potentially relevant variables: there are (nearly always, always?) confounding factors that simply can not be controlled.
Read about confounding variables
Experimental research in education, then, (nearly always, always?) requires some compromising of the pure experimental method.
Where those compromises are substantial, we might ask if experiment was the wrong choice of methodology: even if a good experiment is often the best way to test an idea, a bad experiment may be less informative than, for example, a good case study.
That is primarily a methodological matter, but testing educational innovations and using control conditions in educational studies also raises ethical issues. After all, an experiment means experimenting with real learners' educational experiences. This can certainly be sometimes justified – but there is (or should be) an ethical imperative:
- researchers should never ask learners to participate in a study condition they have good reason to expect will damage their opportunities to learn.
If researchers want to test a genuinely innovative teaching approach or learning resource, then they have to be confident it has a reasonable chance of being effective before asking learners to participate in a study where they will be subjected to an untested teaching input.
It is equally the case that students assigned to a control condition should never be deliberately subjected to inferior teaching simply in order to help make a strong contrast with an experimental approach being tested. Yet, reading some studies leads to a strong impression that some researchers do seek to constrain teaching to a control group to help bias studies towards the innovation being tested (Taber, 2019). That is, such studies are not genuinely objective, open-minded investigations to test a hypothesis, but 'rhetorical' studies set up to confirm and demonstrate the researchers' prior assumptions. We might say these studies do not reflect true scientific values.

Read about rhetorical experiments
I have raised this issue in the research literature (Taber, 2019), so when I read experimental studies in education I am minded to check see that any control condition has been set up with a concern to ensure that the interests of all study participants (in both experimental and control conditions) have been properly considered.
Jigsaw cooperative learning in elementary science: physical and chemical changes
I was reading a study called "A jigsaw cooperative learning application in elementary science and technology lessons: physical and chemical changes" (Tarhan, Ayyıldız, Ogunc & Sesen, 2013) published in a respectable research journal (Research in Science & Technological Education).
Tarhan and colleagues adopted a common type of research design, and the journal referees and editor presumably were happy with the design of their study. However, I think the science education community should collectively be more critical about the setting up of control conditions which require students to be deliberately taught in ways that are considered to be less effective (Taber, 2019).

Jigsaw learning is a pedagogic technique which can be seen as a constructivist, student-centred, dialogic, form of 'active learning'. It is based on collaborative groupwork and includes an element of peer-tutoring. In this paper the technique is described as "jigsaw cooperative learning", and the article authors explain that "cooperative learning is an active learning approach in which students work together in small groups to complete an assigned task" (p.185).
Random assignment
The study used an experimental design, to compare between learning outcomes in two classes taught the same topic in two different ways. Many studies that compare between two classes are problematic because whole extant classes are assigned to conditions which means that the unit of analysis should be the class (experimental condition, n=1; control condition, n=1). Yet, despite this, such studies commonly analyse results as if each learner was an independent unit of analysis (e.g., experimental condition, n=c.30; control condition, n=c.30) which is necessary to obtain statistical results, but unfortunately means that inferences drawn from those statistics are invalid (Taber, 2019). Such studies offer examples of where there seems little point doing an experiment badly as the very design makes it intrinsically impossible to obtain a (i.e., a valid) statistically significant outcome.

Tarhan and colleagues, however, randomly assign the learners to the two conditions so can genuinely claim that in their study they have a true experiment: for their study, experimental condition, n=30; control condition, n=31.
Initial equivalence between groups
Assigning students in this way also helped ensure the two groups started from a similar base. Often such experimental studies use a pre-test to compare the groups before teaching. However, often the researchers look for a statistical difference between the groups which does not reach statistical significance (Taber, 2019). That is, if a statistical test shows p≥0.05 (in effect, the initial difference between the groups is not very unlikely to occur by chance) this is taken as evidence of equivalence. That is like saying we will consider two teachers to be of 'equivalent' height as long as there is no more than 30 cm difference in their height!
In effect
'not very different'
is being seen as a synonym for
'near enough the same'

However, the pretest in Tarhan and colleagues' study found that the difference between two groups in performances on the pretest was at a level likely to occur by chance (not simply something more than 5%, but) 87% of the time. This is a much more convincing basis for seeing the two groups as initially similar.
So, there are two ways in which the Tarhan et al. study seemed better thought-through than many small scale experiments in teaching I have read.
Comparing two conditions
The research was carried out with "sixth grade students in a public elementary school in Izmir, Turkey" (p.184). The focus was learning about physical and chemical changes.
The experimental condition
At the outset of the study, the authors suggest it is already known that
- "Jigsaw enhances cooperative learning" (p.185)"
- "Jigsaw promotes positive attitudes and interests, develops communication skills between students, and increases learning achievement in chemistry" (p.186)
- "the jigsaw technique has the potential to improve students' attitude towards science"
- development of "students' understanding of chemical equilibrium in a first year general chemistry course [was more successful] in the jigsaw class…than …in the individual learning class"
It seems the approach being tested was already demonstrated to be effective in a range of contexts. Based on the existing research, then, we could already expect well-implemented jigsaw learning to be effective in facilitating student learning.
Similarly, the authors tell the readers that the broader category of cooperative learning has been well established as successful,
"The benefits of cooperative learning have been well documented as being
higher academic achievement,
higher level of reasoning and critical thinking skills,
deeper understanding of learned material,
better attention and less disruptive behavior in class,
more motivation to learn and achieve,
positive attitudes to subject matter,
higher self-esteem and
higher social skills."
Tarhan et al., 2013, p.185
What is there not to like here? So, what was this highly effective teaching approach compared with?
What is being compared?
Tarhan and colleagues tell readers that:
"The experimental group was taught via jigsaw cooperative learning activities developed by the researchers and the control group was taught using the traditional science and technology curriculum."
Tarhan et al., 2013, p.189
A different curriculum?
This seems an unhelpful statement as it does not seem to compare like with like:
condition | curriculum | pedagogy |
experimental | ? | jigsaw cooperative learning activities developed by the researchers |
control | traditional science and technology curriculum | ? |
The study uses a common test to compare learning in the two conditions, so the study only makes sense as an experimental test of jigsaw learning if the same curriculum is being followed in both conditions. Otherwise, there is no prima facie reason to think that the post-test is equally fair in testing what has been taught in the two conditions. 1
The control condition
The paper includes an account of the control condition which seems to make it clear that both groups were taught "the same content", which is helpful as to have done otherwise would have seriously undermined the study.
The control group was instructed via a teacher-centered didactic lecture format. Throughout the lesson, the same science and technology teacher presented the same content as for the experimental group to achieve the same learning objectives, which were taught via detailed instruction in the experimental group. This instruction included lectures, discussions and problem solving. During this process, the teacher used the blackboard and asked some questions related to the subject. Students also used a regular textbook. While the instructor explained the subject, the students listened to her and took notes. The instruction was accomplished in the same amount of time as for the experimental group.
Tarhan et al., 2013, p.194
So, it seems:
condition | curriculum | pedagogy |
experimental | [by inference: "traditional science and technology curriculum"] | jigsaw cooperative learning activities developed by the researchers |
control | traditional science and technology curriculum [the same content as for the experimental group to achieve the same learning objectives] | teacher-centred didactic lecture format: instructor explained the subject and asked questions |
controlled variable | independent variable |
The statement is helpful, but might be considered ambiguous as "this instruction which included lectures, discussions and problem solving" seems to relate to what had been "taught via detailed instruction in the experimental group".
But this seems incongruent with the wider textual context. The experimental group were taught by a jigsaw learning technique – not lectures, discussions and problem solving. Yet, for that matter, the experimental group were not taught via 'detailed instruction' if this means the teacher presenting the curriculum content. So, this phrasing seems unhelpfully confusing (to me, at least – presumably, the journal referees and editor thought this was clear enough.)
So, this probably means the "lectures, discussions and problem solving" were part of the control condition where "the teacher used the blackboard and asked some questions related to the subject. Students also used a regular textbook. While the instructor explained the subject, the students listened to her and took notes".
'Lectures' certainly fit with that description.
However, genuine 'discussion' work is a dialogic teaching method and would not seem to fit within a "teacher-centered didactic lecture format". But perhaps 'discussion' simply refers to how the "teacher used the blackboard and asked some questions" that members of the class were invited to answer?
Writing-up research is a bit like teaching in that in presenting to a particular audience, one works with a mental model of what that audience already knowns and understands, and how they use specific terms, and this model is never likely to be perfectly accurate:
- when teaching, the learners tend to let you know this, whereas,
- when writing, this kind of immediate feedback is lacking.
Similarly, problem-solving would not seem to fit within a "teacher-centered didactic lecture format". 'Problem-solving' engages high level cognitive and metacognitive skills because a 'problem' is a task that students are not able to respond to simply by recalling what they have been told and applying learnt algorithms. Problem-solving requires planning and applying strategies to test out ideas and synthesise knowledge. Yet teachers and textbooks commonly refer to simple questions that simply test recall and comprehension, or direct application of learnt techniques, as 'problems' when they are better understood as 'exercises' as they do not pose authentic problems.
The imprecise use of terms that may be understood differently across diverse contexts is characteristic of educational discourse, so Tarhan and colleagues may have simply used the labels that are normally applied in the context where they are working. It should also be noted that as the researchers are based in Turkey they are presumably finding the best English translations they can for the terms used locally.
Read about the challenges of translation in research writing
So, it seems we have:
Experimental condition | in one of the conditions? | Control condition |
Jigsaw learning (set out in some detail in the paper) – an example of cooperative learning – an active learning approach in which students work together in small groups | detailed instruction? discussions (=teacher questioning?) problem solving? (=practice exercises?) | teacher-centred didactic lecture format…the teacher used the blackboard and asked some questions…a regular textbook….the instructor explained the subject, the students listened and took notes |
The teacher variable
One of the major problems with some educational experiments comparing different teaching approaches is the confound of the teacher. If
- class A is taught through approach 'a' by teacher 1, and
- class B is taught through approach 'b' by teacher 2
then even if there is a good case that class A and class B start off as 'equivalent' in terms of readiness to learn about the focal topic then any differences in study outcomes could be as much down to different teachers (and we all know that different teachers are not equivalent!) as different teaching methodology.
At first sight this is easily solved by having the same teacher teach both classes (as in the study discussed here). That certainly seems to help. But, a little thought suggests it is not a foolproof approach (Taber, 2019).
Teachers inevitably have better rapport with some classes than others (even when those classes are shown to be technically 'equivalent') simply because that is the nature of how diverse personalities interact. 3 Even the most professional teachers find they prefer to teach some classes than others, enjoy the teaching more, and seem to get better results (even when the classes are supposed to be equivalent).
In an experiment, there is no reason why the teacher would work better with a class assigned the experimental condition; it might just as well be the control condition. However, this is still a confound and there is no obvious solution to this, except having multiple classes and teachers in each condition such that the statistics can offer guide on whether outcomes are sufficiently unlikely to be able to reasonable discount these types of effect.
Different teachers also have different styles and approaches and skills sets – so the same teacher will not be equally suited to every teaching approach and pedagogy. Again, this does not necessarily advantage the experimental condition, but, again, is something that can only be addressed by having a diverse range of teachers in each condition (Taber, 2019).
So, although we might expect having the same teacher teach both classes is the preferred approach, the same teacher is not exactly the same teacher in different classes or teaching in different ways.
And what do participants expect will happen?
Moreover, expectancy effects can be very influential in education. Expecting something to work, or not work, has been shown to have real effects on outcomes. It may not be true, as some motivational gurus like to pretend, that we can all of us achieve anything if only we believe: but we are more likely to be successful when we believe we can succeed. When confident, we tend to be more motivated, less easily deterred, and (given the human capacity for perceiving with confirmation bias) more likely to judge we are making good progress. So, any research design which communicates to teachers and students (directly, or through the teacher's or researcher's enthusiasm) an expectation of success in some innovation is more likely to lead to success. This is a potential confound that is not even readily addressed by having large numbers of classes and teachers (Taber, 2019)!
The authors report that
Before implementation of the study, all students and their families were informed about the aims of the study and the privacy of their personal information. Permission for their children attend the study was obtained from all families.
Tarhan et al., 2013, p.194
This is as it should be. School children are not data-fodder for researchers, and they should always be asked for, and give, voluntary informed consent when recruited to join a research project. However, researchers need to open and honest about their work, whilst also being careful about how they present their research aims. We can imagine a possible form of invitation,
We would like you to invite you to be part of a study where some of you will be subject to traditional learning through a teacher-centred didactic lecture format where the teacher will give you notes and ask you questions, and some of you will learn by a different approach that has been shown to enhance learning, promote positive attitudes and interests, develop communication skills, increase achievement, support higher level of reasoning and critical thinking skills, lead to deeper understanding of learned material…
An honest, but unhelpful, briefing for students and parents
If this was how the researchers understood the background to their study, then this would be a fair and honest briefing. Yet, this would clearly set up strong expectations in the student groups!
A suitable teacher
Tarhan and colleagues report that
"A teacher experienced in active learning was trained in how to implement the instruction based on jigsaw cooperative learning. The teacher and researchers discussed the instructional plans before implementing the activities."
Tarhan et al., 2013, p.189
So, the teacher who taught both classes, using an jigsaw cooperative learning in one class and a teacher-centred didactic lecture approach in the other was "experienced in active learning". So, it seems that
- the researchers were already convinced that active learning approaches were far superior to teaching via a lecture approach
- the teacher had experience in teaching though more engaging, effective student-centred active learning approaches
despite this, a control condition was set-up that required the teacher to, in effect, de-skill, and teach in a way the researchers were well aware research suggested was inferior, for the sake of carrying out an experiment to demonstrate in a specific context what had already been well demonstrated elsewhere.
In other words, it seems that one group of students were deliberately disadvantaged by asking an experienced and skilled teacher to teach in a way all concerned knew was sub-optimal, so as to provide a low base line that would be outperformed by the intervention, simply to replicate a much demonstrated finding. When seen in that way, this is surely unethical research.
The researchers may not have been consciously conceptualising their design in those terms, but it is hard to see this as a fair test of the jigsaw learning approach – it can show it is better than suboptimal teaching, but does not offer a comparison with an example of the kind of teaching that is recommended in the national context where the research took place.
Unethical, but not unusual
I am not seeking to pick out Tarhan and colleagues in particular for designing an unethical study, because they are not unique in adopting this approach (Taber, 2019): indeed, they are following a common formula (an experimental 'paradigm' in the sense the term is used in psychology).
Tarhan and colleagues have produced a study that is interesting and informative, and which seems well planned, and strongly-motivated when considered as part of tradition of such studies. Clearly, the referees and journal editor were not minded to question the procedure. The problem is that as a science education community we have allowed this tradition to continue such that a form of study that was originally genuinely open-ended (in that it examined under-researched teaching approaches of untested efficacy) has not been modified as published study after published study has slowly turned those untested teaching approaches into well-researched and repeatedly demonstrated approaches.
So much so, that such studies are now in danger of simply being rhetorical research – where (as in this case) the authors tell readers at the outset that it is already known that what they are going to test is widely shown to be effective good practice. Rhetorical research is set up to produce an expected result, and so is not authentic research. A real experiment tests a genuine hypothesis rather than demonstrates a commonplace. A question researchers might ask themselves could be
'how surprised would I be if this leads to a negative outcome'?
If the answer is
'that would be very surprising'
then they should consider modifying their research so it is likely to be more than minimally informative.
Finding out that jigsaw learning achieved learning objectives better/as well as/not so well as, say, P-O-E (predict-observe-explain) activities might be worth knowing: that it is better than deliberately constrained teaching does not tell us very much that is not obvious.
I do think this type of research design is highly questionable and takes unfair advantage of students. It fails to meet my suggested guideline that
- researchers should never ask learners to participate in a study condition they have good reason to expect will damage their opportunities to learn
The problem of generalisation
Of course, one fair response is that despite all the claims of the superiority of constructivist, active, cooperatative (etc.) learning approaches, the diversity of educational contexts means we can not simply generalise from an experiment in one context and assume the results apply elsewhere.
Read about generalising from research
That is, the research literature shows us that jigsaw learning is an effective teaching approach, but we cannot be certain it will be effective in the particular context of teaching about chemical and physical changes to sixth grade students in a public elementary school in Izmir, Turkey.
Strictly that is true! But we should ask:
do we not know this because
- research shows a great variation in whether jigsaw learning is effective or not as it differs according to contexts and conditions
- although jigsaw learning has consistently been shown to be effective in many different contexts, no one has yet tested it in the specific case of teaching about chemical and physical changes to sixth grade students in a public elementary school in Izmir, Turkey
It seems clear from the paper that the researchers are presenting the second case (in which case the study would actually be of more interest and importance if had been found that in this context jigsaw learning was not effective).
Given there are very good reasons to expect a positive outcome, there seems no need to 'stack the odds' by using deliberately detrimental control conditions.
Even had situation 1 applied, it seems of limited value to know that jigsaw learning is more effective (in teaching about chemical and physical changes to sixth grade students in a public elementary school in Izmir, Turkey) than an approach we already recognise is suboptimal.
An ethical alternative
This does not mean that there is no value in research that explores well-established teaching approaches in new contexts. However, unless the context is very different from where the approach has already been widely demonstrated, there is little value in comparing it with approaches that are known to be sub-optimal (which in Turkey, a country where constructivist 'reform' teaching approaches are supposed to be the expected standard, seem to often be labelled as 'traditional').
Detailed case studies of the implementation of a reform pedagogy in new contexts that collect rich 'process' data to explore challenges to implementation and to identify especially effective specific practices would surely be more informative? 4
If researchers do feel the need to do experiments, then rather than comparing known-to-be-effective approaches with suboptimal approaches hoping to demonstrate what everyone already knows, why not use comparison conditions that really test the innovation. Of course jigsaw learning out performed lecturing in an elementary school – but how might it have compared with another constructivist approach?
I have described the constructivist science teacher as a kind of learning doctor. Like medical doctors, our first tenet should be to do no harm. So, if researchers want to set up experimental comparisons, they have a duty to try to set up two different approaches that they believe are likely to benefit the learners (whichever condition they are assigned to):
- not one condition that advantages one group of students
- and another which deliberately disadvantages another group of students for the benefit of a 'positive' research outcome.
If you already know the outcome then it is not genuine research – and you need a better research question.
Work cited:
- Taber, K. S. (2019). Experimental research into teaching innovations: responding to methodological and ethical challenges. Studies in Science Education, 55(1), 69-119. doi:10.1080/03057267.2019.1658058
- Leman Tarhan, Yıldızay Ayyıldız, Aylin Ogunc & Burcin Acar Sesen (2013) A jigsaw cooperative learning application in elementary science and technology lessons: physical and chemical changes, Research in Science & Technological Education, 31:2, 184-203, DOI: 10.1080/02635143.2013.811404
1 Imagine teaching one class about acids by jigsaw learning, and teaching another about the nervous system by some other pedagogy – and then comparing the pedagogies by administering a test – about acids! The class in the jigsaw condition might well do better, without it being reasonable to assume this reflects more effective pedagogy.
So, I am tempted to read this as simply a drafting/typographical error that has been missed, and suspect the authors intended to refer to something like the traditional approach to teaching the science and technology curriculum. Otherwise the experiment is fatally flawed.
Yet, one purpose of the study was to find out
"Does jigsaw cooperative learning instruction contribute to a better conceptual understanding of 'physical and chemical changes' in sixth grade students compared to the traditional science and technology curriculum?"
Tarhan et al., 2013, p.187
This reads as if the researchers felt the curriculum was not sufficiently matched to what they felt were the most important learning objectives in the topic of physical and chemical changes, so they have undertaken some curriculum development, as well as designed a teaching unit accordingly, to be taught by jigsaw learning pedagogy. If so the experiment is testing
traditional curriculum x traditional pedagogy
reformed curriculum x innovative pedagogy
making it impossible to disentangle the two components.
This suggests the researchers are testing the combination of curriculum and pedagogy, and doing so with a test biased towards the experimental condition. This seems illogical, but I have actually worked in a project where we faced a similar dilemma. In the epiSTEMe project we designed innovative teaching units for lower secondary science and maths. In both physics units we incorporated innovative aspects to the curriculum.
- In the forces unit material on proportionality was introduced, with examples (car stopping distance) normally not taught at that grade level (Y7);
- In the electricity unit the normal physics content was embedded in an approach designed to teach aspects of the nature of science.
In the forces unit, the end-of-topic test included material that was included in the project-designed units, but unlikely to be taught in the control classes. There was evidence that on average students in the project classes did better on the test.
In the electricity unit, the nature of science objectives were not tested as these would not necessarily have been included in teaching control classes. On average, there was very little difference in learning about electrical circuits in the two conditions. There was however a very wide range of class performances – oddly just as wide in the experimental condition (where all classes had a common scheme of work, common activities, and common learning materials) as in the control condition where teachers taught the topic in their customary ways.
2 It could be read either as
Control | Experimental |
The control group was instructed via a teacher-centered didactic lecture format. Throughout the lesson, the same science and technology teacher presented the same content as for the experimental group to achieve the same learning objectives, which were taught via detailed instruction in the experimental group. | |
…detailed instruction in the experimental group. This instruction included lectures, discussions and problem solving. | |
During this process, the teacher used the blackboard and asked some questions related to the subject. Students also used a regular textbook. While the instructor explained the subject, the students listened to her and took notes. The instruction was accomplished in the same amount of time as for the experimental group. |
Control | Experimental |
The control group was instructed via a teacher-centered didactic lecture format. Throughout the lesson, the same science and technology teacher presented the same content as for the experimental group to achieve the same learning objectives, which were taught via detailed instruction in the experimental group. | |
…detailed instruction in the experimental group. | |
This [sic] instruction included lectures, discussions and problem solving. During this process, the teacher used the blackboard and asked some questions related to the subject. Students also used a regular textbook. While the instructor explained the subject, the students listened to her and took notes. The instruction was accomplished in the same amount of time as for the experimental group. |
3 A class, of course, is not a person, but a collection of people, so perhaps does not have a 'personality' as such. However, for teachers, classes do take on something akin to a personality.
This is not just an impression. It was pointed out above that if a researcher wants to treat each learner as a unit of analysis (necessary to use inferential statistics when only working with a small number of classes) then learners, not intact classes, should be assigned to conditions. However, even a newly formed class will soon develop something akin to a personality. This will certainly be influenced by individual learners present but develop through the history of their evolving mutual interactions and is not just a function of the sum of their individual characteristics.
So, even when a class is formed by random assignment of learners at the start of a study, it is still strictly questionable whether these students should be seen as independent units for analysis (Taber, 2019).
4 I suspect that science educators have a justified high regard for experimental method in the natural sciences, which sometimes blinkers us to its limitations in social contexts where there are myriad interacting variables and limited controls.
Read: Why do natural scientists tend to make poor social scientists?
nice article.thanks