An example of analogy and anthropomorhism in a sceintist's writing:
"…how a crystal of sodium chloride will respond to that rapidly alternating electrical force. At any instant the force will try to push the positively charged sodium ions in one direction and the negatively charged chloride ions in the other. But the force is alternating so rapidly that before the ions can respond, the force has reversed its direction. Trying to move the ions by that alternating force is like trying to move a child on a swing back and forth by attaching the swing to the clapper of a doorbell.
To swing the child, you must alternate your push at a lower frequency, and to move the ions, you must use light whose frequency is only about 1/100 of the frequency of visible light"
Alan Holden
Holden, A. (1965). The Nature of Solids. Columbia University Press.
Read examples of anthropomorphism in science
Read examples of scientific analogies